Language is a funny thing. You come across words that seem like mere sounds.
Take the example of the word ‘Es.’ Is it a legitimate Scrabble word?
Or is it just two letters that have no meaning?
Let’s explore!
‘Es’ is a Valid Scrabble Word
The answer to “is ‘Es’ a valid Scrabble word?” is a resounding yes. It is also among the valid words in Words with Friends.
The word can help you score two points in both games.
‘Es’ is present in the Collins Scrabble words. It is also a legitimate word in the US, UK, and International lists.
What is the Definition of ‘Es?’
Dictionaries provide multiple meanings of the word ‘Es.’ It refers to a radioactive transuranic element produced after bombarding plutonium with neutrons.
‘Es’ is also a noun and represents a fat-soluble vitamin. It is an antioxidant that fights the free radicals in the body.
The vitamin is crucial for reproduction.
Moreover, ‘Es’ refers to the point on the cardinal compass at 90 degrees. It is also the foundation of the natural system of logarithms.
The value equals 2.71.
Last, ‘Es’ is the fifth letter of the Roman alphabet.
Make Extra letter-Added Words with ‘Es’
You can make new words by adding more alphabets to ‘Es.’ Here are a few ideas for inspiration:
- Esteem
- Estate
- Escort
- Best
- Jest
- Bless
- Essential
- Espionage
- Escalator
- Estimate
- Establish
The English language has countless words with ‘Es.’ You will have no problem making bigger words to score more points in your game.
Let’s Start with ‘Es’
‘Es’ is accepted in Scrabble worldwide. The word has several meanings and refers to a transuranic element and a vitamin. ‘Es’ can bring you two points, but you can score more by making bigger words with it.
Last Updated on September 20, 2023 by Dipanjan