‘Ja’ is not recognized as an English word. It is used in some other languages like German and Korean.
Is the term a Scrabble word? Is it accepted in the US and UK?
Let’s find out.
‘Ja’ is a Valid Scrabble Word in Chosen Locations
‘Ja’ is a valid Scrabble word, but not across the whole world. It does not exist in the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary.
You will also not find it in the Official Tournament and Club Word List. As a result, it is not valid in North America, including the US and Canada.
The term is a valid word only in UK word lists. It is present in the Collins Scrabble UK list.
Moreover, a few other countries recognize the word. You can score nine points with it.
‘Ja’ is valid in Words with Friends. It helps you add 11 points to your score.
What is the Definition of ‘Ja?’
‘Ja’ means yes in the South African dialect. It is used in informal conversations.
The word has the same meaning in German.
Additionally, the term refers to a traditional unit of measuring length in Korean units of measure. It is equal to 30.3 centimeters.
Moreover, ‘Ja’ is an abbreviation for January in Stenoscript, a type of shorthand writing.
‘Ja’ is also the registration symbol for vehicles in Jamaica.
Extra-Letter Added Valid Words to Make with ‘Ja’
You can add more letters to ‘Ja’ to make words for a valid play. A few examples are:
- Jam
- Jab
- Jail
- Jade
- January
- Deejay
- Jaggery
- Japanese
- Jamming
‘Ja’ is a Valid Scrabble Word
‘Ja’ is a valid term only in the Scrabble UK dictionary. It is not a playable word in North America or other board games. The letters help you score nine points in Scrabble.
Last Updated on September 28, 2023 by Dipanjan