Acronyms and abbreviations are only accepted in Scrabble if they are valid words in the English language. Does that mean “ORG” is not a valid Scrabble word?
“ORG” was not in the official Scrabble players’ dictionary even a few years back. However, that is not the case anymore.
It is a valid Scrabble word that can help you score points in Scrabble.
“ORG” Is Valid in Scrabble Dictionary
You can use the word “ORG” without any restriction in Scrabble. It will bring you four points.
However, “ORG” is not valid in Words with Friends. You cannot use the abbreviation in your game as per official rules.
What is the Meaning of “ORG?”
“ORG” is among the new words in the Scrabble dictionary. It is short for “organization,” says the Merriam-Webster dictionary.
The word has become popular across the internet and daily use worldwide.
An organization can be a business, a non-profit, or a registered body. It indicates a group of people who work for a common cause or goal.
Many people use the spelling “ORG” instead of organization nowadays.
What Words Can You Make with “ORG” in Scrabble?
You cannot make a new word by adding a single letter to “ORG” like other words. The only exception is “orgy,” which can be among offensive words for some.
However, you can add many letters before or after the word to make interesting words.
A few examples are:
- Organ
- Organism
- Organic
- Organize
- Forgo
- Forge
- Forgery
- Forgone
- Forgive
- Forget
As you can see, you can create different words with “ORG.” You don’t need to get stuck in the middle of your game if you come across these letters.
Use “ORG” in Scrabble to Score Points
“ORG” is a valid Scrabble word. You can get four points by using it in the Scrabble game.
Last Updated on August 26, 2023 by soubhik