Are you in a ‘Tiz’ trying to find the right words for Scrabble?
Scrabble is a word game that makes you run for the dictionary now and then. You have a few tiles and are unsure about the word you want to make.
Is the word ‘Tiz’ accepted in Scrabble?
Let’s find out.
‘Tiz’ is a Valid Scrabble Word
‘Tiz’ is a valid Scrabble word. You can find it in the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary and Collins Scrabble Words.
Additionally, the term is present in the Official Tournament and Club Word List. You can use ‘Tiz’ in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and Thailand.
The term is worth 12 points in Scrabble.
Sadly, ‘Tiz’ is not a legitimate term in Words with Friends.
What is the Definition of ‘Tiz?’
‘Tiz’ is the alternative form of ‘tizzy.’ It is used in colloquial terms.
‘Tiz’ or tizzy means a state of frenzy, confusion, and anxiety. It can also be a state of excitement.
For example, you can be in a ‘Tiz’ if you come out of the club and find your car stolen.
Can You Make Longer ‘Tiz’ Words?
You can make more valid words by adding letters to ‘Tiz.’ Another trick is to remove and add new letters to create new terms.
The words formed from ‘Tiz’ increase your score and give you a competitive advantage. A few examples are:
- Tizzy
- Citizen
- Baptize
- Agatize
- Tin
- Tick
- Tint
- Pint
- Size
- Prize
‘Tiz’ is Valid in Scrabble
‘Tiz’ is a valid Scrabble word. It is present in most Scrabble dictionaries. The word helps you score 12 points in Scrabble. It is not a valid term in Words with Friends. ‘Tiz’ is the alternative form of tizzy. It is a state of excitement, tension, or anxiety. You can make more ‘Tiz’ words to boost your score.
Last Updated on November 13, 2023 by Dipanjan